Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Select paths to search for corrections
Select paths to search for corrections
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The screenshot of the Path to Search for Corrections dialog.

At this dialog you are prompted for the folders to search for corrections referenced from the registry. If you don't know where the files might be located, just add all of your drives (C:, D:, etc.). By default the list contains all fixed drives on user's computer (i.e. C:, D:, E: ).

depending on the size of the drives and number of files, scanning may take a long time. For example, if your friend found 15 invalid entries on a 20 gigabyte drive and you found 584 invalid entries on a 10 gigabyte drive then searching for moved files will be faster on your friend's computer.

The program always scans selected folders including their subfolders. In most cases, you can speed up the process by selecting only the "Windows" folder (e.g. C:\Windows) and the "C:\Program Files" folder. An overwhelming majority of invalid entries refers to these folders.

To add folders to the scan list use the Add button, browse the folders tree, select a folder and press the OK button. To remove a path from the list just select it and press the Remove button.


·The list is case insensitive, so entering "C:\Program Files\" will mean the same as "c:\program files\".  
·If the list contains upper-level folder path then you can't add a subfolder (for example if the "C:\Windows\" folder is in the list then you can't add "C:\Windows\SomeSubfolder\"). This is because the program always scans folders including their subfolders automatically.  
·Items can be active/inactive. Checkbox indicates it's state.  

This dialog has few more options:
·Show This Dialog Before the Scan  

See also:
Exclude paths from disk search for corrections

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