Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Prompt to restart as Administrator Prompt to restart as Administrator if not enough privileges
This option enables/disables the "Restart under Administrator" prompt dialog.
In most cases Registry Healer is used with full Administrators' privileges. But it can run also from a simple user accont or "restricted". Without Administrator's rights the program cannot modfy machine-related registry hives such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS. Only HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry is available for changes, but still with some limitations. Full registry backup to create before scan is also not available under simple user account.
To notify user that Registry Healer was started under a restricted account it shows a dialog with prompt to restart as an Administrator. Clicking "Yes" on restart dialog user will have to enter an Administrator's logon name and password. Registry Healer will automatically run with full rights. The dialog contains the option to "do not show it anymore" that if selected it then can be re-enabled from the Appearance tab of the Settings dialog.