Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Select registry entries for correction
Select registry entries for correction
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When all scans are complete Registry Healer will display a list of invalid registry entries from which you can select items for correction. See a screenshot.

Green entries marked by Registry Healer for correction are safe to modify. Yellow and red entries are for advanced users and should be marked for deletion if the user knows they are obsolete.
Please see also to the safety levels topic.

All entries that can be modified safely are picked by default for correction (they have crossed boxes on the left). Entries that have read-only access or could not be corrected automatically are omitted. By expanding and browsing the tree you can pick or unpick individual entries. Only picked entries will be corrected!

Default colouring is the following.
·Entries with suggested corrections are green.  
·Entries without suggested corrections but that can be corrected by cutting the invalid substring are rose-colored.  
·Entries without suggested corrections but that can be deleted are in yellow.  
·Entries that can't be modified are grayed out. This is where permission to modify is unavailable on NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista and newer systems. The message "Leave the entry (no permission to modify)" is displayed.  

You may use the Pick All Entries or the Unpick All Entries buttons to assist in your selections from the tree.

If one or more root nodes are selected (such as the Invalid Paths or the Empty Keys), pressing the Pick All Entries button will select all registry keys that belong to the parent node. For example, if you select the Invalid Paths node and press the Pick All Entries button, all found registry entries within the Invalid Paths category will be picked for correction. If you select the Invalid Paths and the Empty Keys nodes, all entries from the both categories will be picked.

If a root node is expanded and one or more of the second-level nodes are selected, the Pick Highlighted Entries button picks for correction only the selected entries.

Right-clicking your mouse provides the same functionality as the main menu. See a screenshot

See also:
Select corrections for found invalid entries
Right-mouse click pop-up menu

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