Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Exclude strings from the error checking
Exclude strings from the error checking
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The screenshot of the Excluded Strings list dialog.

At this dialog user can set strings to skip from error checking. Any registry value containing one of the strings will not be shown, even it is not valid. This feature is useful to exclude CD-ROMs, network and removable drives from the registry analyzing and some registry keys that contain known keywords and should not be modified.

For example, if your registry may contain some references to files on a CD-ROM that currently is not in a drive and you do not want to remove that references from the registry then add CD-ROM's drive letter to the list (Y:). Registry Healer will skip all registry keys with this path to your CD-ROM drive.

The excluded list is empty by default.

·The list is case insensitive, so entering "Picture It" will mean the same as "picture it".  
·The strings are joined with OR operand, so if a registry key contains any of the strings it will be excluded.  
·This exclusion list is applied not only to registry names but also to values and data. So if a match is found in a registry key data then this data will not be checked for any errors. If a match is found in a registry value name then this name and it's data will not be checked for any errors. If a match is found anywhere in a full registry key name then this registry key and all it's subkeys, values and datas will not be checked for any errors.  
·Items can be active/inactive. Checkbox indicates it's state.  

To add a string to the list just enter it in the edit box and press the Add button. To remove a string from the list just select it and press the Remove button.

This dialog has few more options:
·Show This Dialog Before the Scan  

See also
Exclude registry entries from the scan

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