Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Exclude registry entries from the scan
Exclude registry entries from the scan
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Registry Healer has several lists of registry entries that are excluded from the registry scanning.
Every error category available for scanning in the registry has it's own exclusion list.

Entries that are in the Invalid Paths Entries excluded list will be excluded from analyzing registry for Invalid Paths error category. The program will skip these registry entries. Entries from the Empty Entries excluded list will be skipped while analyzing registry for empty keys. And so on.

Some lists contain several default excluded entries. The default entries cannot be changed or removed from the lists.

To view and modify exclusion lists press the Advanced Settings tool button and select the Excluded Registry Keys tab page. See a screenshot. A drop-down list on this page also allows to switch between the exclusion lists.

User can add new registry keys to any of the lists. If the program finds repeatedly the same entry as invalid then you can add it to the one of exclusion lists. If you want to exclude some program entries from the search you can add those entries into all of the exclusion lists.

Usually you know only a program name which registry entries you want to exclude from the scan. But you don't know exactly all program's registry entries that may be found as invalid. So first do the registry scan and then add registry entries you want to exclude using the right mouse click pop-up menu. See a screenshot.

User can edit new added entries. It is possible to remove user's entries from the lists using the Remove button. The default entries can not be removed or edited. It is always possible to restore default excluded lists using the Restore Default button. Note that then all new entries user added will be lost.

·The list is case insensitive, so entering "Picture It" will mean the same as "picture it".  

See also
Exclude some strings from the registry scan

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