Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Exclude paths from disk search for corrections
Exclude paths from disk search for corrections
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The screenshot of the Excluded Path dialog.

Opposing to the list of Paths to Search for Corrections this list contains paths that will not be scanned when searching disks for corrections.

·Excluded Paths list has a higher priority than the previous Paths to Search for Corrections list. So, if this exclusion list contains "C:\Program Files\" path and the search list contains "C:\Program Files\Application Data\" then no folders from "C:\Program Files\" will be scanned.  
·The list is case insensitive, so entering "C:\Program Files\" will mean the same as "c:\program files\".  
·Items can be active/inactive. Checkbox indicates it's state.  

By default the list contains strings that will exclude several folders used for temporary or unmanaged files:
\System Volume Information\
\Temporary Internet Files\

All folders that match to these names (C:\RECYCLER\, D:\RECYCLER\, etc.) will be excluded from the disk searching. Subfolders of such folders will be excluded from the search too.

This dialog has few more options:
·Show This Dialog Before the Scan  

See also:
Select paths to search for corrections

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