Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Why do some found keys have the "Leave the entry (no permission to modify)" label. How do I handle this?
Why do some found keys have the "Leave the entry (no permission to modify)" label. How do I handle this?
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This means that you do not have "modify" access to these entries.

Please ensure you have logged in the system using administrator account.

Registry entries under Windows may have access restrictions. The restrictions may prevent from changing registry keys. Such keys have status "No permission to modify" in RegHealer.

If you're working under Windows Vista or Windows 7, it's normal that you see many "No permission to modify" entries. Windows restricts users, even administrators. You may simply ignore such registry keys.

The restrictions can be viewed and managed using RegEdit.exe.

For Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8 and above:
To view/modify access permissions please open the question registry key in regedit.exe, click "Edit" from top menu, then "Permissions" menu item.

For Windows NT/2000:
To view/modify access permissions please open the question registry key in regedt32.exe, click "Edit" from top menu, then "Permissions" menu item.

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