Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. How to backup Registry Healer settings/exclusion lists?
How to backup Registry Healer settings/exclusion lists?
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Registry Healer automatically copies settings from a most recent previous version installed.

All Registry Healer settings are stored in the registry under the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KsL Software\RegHealer" key.
To save settings you should save the above registry key into a file. To do so, run regedit.exe, navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KsL Software\RegHealer" key, select the "Registry" top menu, then "Export Registry File..". Select a file name and click "Save".

To import settings back to the registry simply double click on the file. File should have .reg extension.

To transfer exclusion lists from old version to another you can do this:
1) export from RegEdit the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KsL Software\RegHealer\<version number> to a .reg file;
2) open the file in notepad;
3) replace <version number> at all lines [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KsL Software\RegHealer\<version number>] with the new version number;
4) save the file and double click on it to import.
5) check the Advanced Settings in Registry Healer to see your old settings in new version.

You can easily find more information on how registry import/export works by searching the Internet for "import export registry" words (without quotation).

To automatically export Registry Healer registry settings there is a file called save_settings.bat in the Registry Healer folder. Double-click this file and it will create RH_settings.reg with fresh Registry Healer settings.

If you are working under non-Administrator account then you may have no permission to create files in the Registry Healer folder. If so, simply copy save_settings.bat file to any other location and run it from there.

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