Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. Registry Healer always shows 20 Run Entries found. Are these entries bad and should be deleted?
Registry Healer always shows 20 Run Entries found. Are these entries bad and should be deleted?
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Registry Healer shows all "auto run" entries that can be found in the registry. Such entries contains programs that are running on every system start. This feature is useful to be sure that user knows how many applications are loaded at startup.

Thus, not all "Run Entries" are invalid and should be deleted. Registry Healer automatically finds invalid entries and suggest the best corrections. If some of "run entries" have the "Leave without changes" corrections by default then these entries are valid and are shown in the list only for your information. If a "run entry" is invalid then it has either a file correction (in green color) or the "Delete Invalid Entry" correction.

Registry Healer picks up for correction only invalid entries. So, if the program found 20 "run" entries and zero of them are picked up, then all is OK. No corrections required. Registry Healer shows all entries for you to be sure that you know how many applications are loaded at startup. Probably, some of them are not necessary.

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