Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. My operating system is Windows Millennium. After I run Registry Healer 2.0, my Windows Help files disappeared. Did I do something wrong? How do I get the Help files back?
My operating system is Windows® Millennium. After I run Registry Healer 2.0, my Windows® Help files disappeared. Did I do something wrong? How do I get the Help files back?
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This topic is applicable only to Registry Healer version below 5.0

You should use Registry Healer version 2.3.2 or later.
To restore you Windows® ME help:
1. Copy the text below and save it as regedit file ("restore.reg") into a temporary folder.
=====begin file============

[HKEY CLASSES ROOT\TypeLib\{FC7D9E00-3F9E-11D3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7}\1.0\0\win32]

[HKEY CLASSES ROOT\TypeLib\{FC7D9E00-3F9E-11D3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7}\1.0\HELPDIR]
=====end file=============
2. Right-mouse click on the created file and select the "Edit" item.
3. Replace the "C:\\WINDOWS\\" strings with your installed Windows®'s path. I.e. if you have installed Windows® to "C:\WinME\" directory then replace the path above with "C:\\WINME\\" (double-slashed).
4. Save changes and run the file (double-click on it).
Please always use the latest versions of software.

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