Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. How to add a registry entry into excluded list to avoid future finding it as invalid?
How to add a registry entry into excluded list to avoid future finding it as invalid?
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There are two ways to add an entry into excluded lists.

Way 1

Run the program, do the registry scan and wait for finishing. Then find the problem entry (you want to exclude) within the list of invalid entries, right mouse click on the entry and select the latest command in the pop-up menu: "Add the entry into excluded list". Selected entry will be skipped on future scannings.

Way 2

Run the program, go to the Main Menu -> Advanced... -> Show expert settings dialog -> go to Excluded entries tab. Select an exclusion list from the drop-down control and add, edit or delete excluded entries from the list using buttons at right side.

For more information please refer to the Add or remove excluded registry entries help topic.

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